post cover

Kotlin Basics that all developer should learn before diving into intermediate and advanced topics.

Entry point

main function is the entry point to the Kotlin program.

main function is automatically invoked when Kotlin program is executed

main function can contain a parameter or be empty

if main function contain’s a parameter then the type of the parameter should be Array<String>

Using val and var

val means value. It can be initialized and it cannot be reassigned.

var mean variable and it is mutable


val identifier = initalization

var identifier = initalization

identifier refers to elements in a program

Data types

Each data has a type. Kotlin has predefined data types such as

  1. Numbers - Int, Float, Literal Constants
  2. Characters
  3. Strings
  4. Booleans
  5. Arrays
  6. Unsigned Integer types - No negative value

Integer types

  1. Byte —> 8 bit values between -128 to 127
  2. Short –> 16 bit values between -32768 to 32767
  3. Int ——> 32 bit values between -231 to 231 -1
  4. Long —> 64 bit

Floating point type

  1. Float - single precision - 6 to 7 decimal points
  2. Double - double precision - 15 to 16 decimal points

Literal Constants

  1. Decimal - 126
  2. Long - 12490L
  3. Hexadecimal - 0x0F
  4. Binary - 0b00001011


Characters are represented by the type Char

Special characters start from an escaping backslash

  1. \t – tab

  2. \b – backspace

  3. \n – new line (LF)

  4. \r – carriage return (CR)

  5. \' – single quotation mark

  6. \" – double quotation mark

  7. \\ – backslash

  8. \$ – dollar sign

Adding Int to a Char yields another Char


  1. && (AND) logical AND or conjunction
  2. || (OR) logical OR or disjunction
  3. ! (NOT) logical NOT or negation

Assignment Operators

Increment and Decrement Operators

For post increment, i++

first produce the result, then do the increment.

  1. Store the initial value of i to a temporary storage i0.
  2. Assign the result of to i.
  3. Return i0 as the result of the expression. That is why j value is 0

For pre increment, ++k

first do the increment, then return the resulting value.

  1. Assign the result of to l.
  2. Return the new value of l as a result of the expression.


  1. Using for loop with in keyword
  2. Using Ranges with help of .., until, downTo, step
  3. Looping Char a..z
  4. Find Char in String using in keyword

Using in keyword

in can be used for iteration in for loops and to check membership.


Expression yields result

Example for expression: if-else as an expression


Statement create side effect and doesn’t produce result

Example for statement: for loop